1949, the United Nations intervened in the Middle East, voting to split the
city of Jerusalem in two. The split would follow the western wall of the Old City,
divided between Israel and Jordan (Armstrong 387). This act of western
interference was a totally isolated incident, as never before in human history
has a more powerful state or group of states meddled in another’s affairs (except
for, that is, with the English takeover of India in 1858, the Berlin Conference
of 1884, British imperialism in China in the 20th century, the
seizing of Australia and New Zealand from the Aboriginals/Maoris, the European invasion
and ensuing genocides of the America, Alexander the Great’s takeover of most of
Europe, the Spanish conquests in south America, etc., etc.).
most instances of imperialism, both modern and ancient, it led to massive
unrest and resistance from those whose power to govern themselves was suddenly taken
away. This is the same with UN General Assembly Resolution 303, the mandate that
ordered the splitting of the city of Jerusalem (ECF 2015). Thousands of people
were suddenly exiled from their homes, forced to leave under the threat of
military repercussions (Armstrong 387). Entire neighborhoods in Jerusalem were
suddenly no longer allowed to exist, and leaders of Israel and Jordan were at odds,
trying to do what was best for their respective people under the UN’s unwanted
rules. This UN Resolution lead to vehement unrest, the likes of which are still
experienced today, as the splitting of Palestine, and even just Jerusalem for
that matter, is still an explosive and uneasy situation.
UN, however, lost interest in the task in 1950, “taking no further action of
the Jerusalem question” after April of that year (Armstrong 387). This childlike
lack of interest is shocking but not surprising, however. Seen time and time
again throughout history, imperialist nations get their hands dirty in someone
else’s politics without trying to fully understand the gravity and intricacies
of the peoples they’re meddling with. UN General Assembly Resolution 303 was
decided upon in New York City by a collection of delegates from nations worldwide—none
of which included a delegate from the areas in question.
short-sighted and arrogant act of god-playing has left Jerusalem, Israel, and
Palestine in a state of chaos. But the UN has seemingly given up, now coming to
the conclusion that the divided state should figure its own problems out—funny,
seeing as the root of their problem can somewhat be attributed to the UN and
other imperialist acts of interference in the first place.
ECF. (2015).
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 303 (1949). Retrieved 2019, from
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