Welcome Post!

Welcome to RELI 3457: Jerusalem! This is where you will post your weekly blog entries. Here are a few photos of me in Jerusalem way back in 1995/1996! Bonus to anyone who can identify which one is me in both pictures and where in Jerusalem the photos were taken. 


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  3. PICTURE 1:
    My guess is that you're the one in the red patterned (Hawaiian-esque) shirt, and I would guess that the picture was taken at a bar or restaurant near the campus or near/in the Old City.

    PICTURE 2:
    You're the one furthest to the right in the red flannel, picture taken in a dorm at the Rothberg International School at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

  4. Picture 1- you are on the far right in a red shirt, playing a guitar at a local bar/restaurant near Hebrew University northeast of the old city. It may be a business near old city, Jerusalem or near the university. It is unlikely to be someone's garage because that seems too easy...

    Picture 2- you are on the far right in the flannel in a dormitory, at the Rothberg International School at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


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