Is faith the most valued weapon?

According to the old testament, Israel was defenseless if it wasn’t for the people’s constant belief in a higher power. They gave themselves little to no credit for defeating their enemies and surviving the hardships they had faced. As stated in Psalm 124, “if it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when our enemies attacked us, then they would have swallowed us up alive” (psalm 124, 2). The people of Israel appeared as if they lacked in self-confidence as they put their faith in someone that was contrary to their stature. They were thought of as weak and vanquishable by themselves and others, and if it wasn’t for their faith that help was provided, they, as a nation, would have disappeared from the history books. The provider of “help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (psalm 124, 8). They believed any action or thought is regulated by a holy figure, and they credited him for all standards of well-being, however any misfortunes that they came across were self-inflicted or caused by their figure for lack of faith/obedience. They didn’t believe in luck, since every thought, action, and opinion, was thoroughly planned out. Any action or thought that they would conceive without instruction from the divine was thought of as meaningless and tampering with the plan of creation. “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain” (Psalm 127, 1). The words “in vain” signify the extent of the belief the people of Israel had for the Lord, since anything done without the Lord’s help/orders was “in vain”. It’s ironic to think of this ideology in the 21st century when all around the globe, weapons are manufactured constantly to destroy an opposing race, civilization, nation, etc. for the distinguishable title of being conqueror of all people and faiths. And through all that hatred and violence, Israel still stands. The enemies have not paused in their pursuit to remove the people of Israel from their home, and yet, Israel has been able to stand her ground against them all. With the advancements in technology, the wars become increasingly lethal, yet also manageable, as protective agents are built alongside the death machines to protect the people. Is the belief in a higher power still resonating with these advancements being built, or has Israel moved on in having self-confidence in themselves and their own creations without the need for additional guidance?
